original fall background image

Here are digital collages for two of this week's challenges. The first one, the fall background collage, is for the So-artful challenge. The angel is for this week's Take a Word challenge (the word was "angel;" no image provided).
Credits for fall collage: Background from so-artful; Digital leaf stamps from easyelements; Frame from deviant scrap/holliewood.
Credits for angel collage: Dancer from Pringle Hill; Digital music brush from easyelements; Digital wing stamps from obsidian dawn; Whirlwind,scarf, and embellishments on dress from CatScrap.
What an original and lovely design!!!
Love both!
This is just beautiful. I love that quote it is perfect. Thanks for being Soartful this week.
beautiful angel!!!
The collages are beautiful! You're very talented.
what a great purple angel!
Both of these pieces are so creative! Lovely!
I love the quote you've chosen!
Oh you have been busy! I love all your recent art. beautiful. Hugs
Gorgeous angel
Oh I love your beautiful bohemian Angel- what wondrous color and imagery!
I love the idea of a Bohemian Angel too. These pieces are wonderful - and thoroughly unique.
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