Art Creations Friday: Gentleman's Photo

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We were challenged to use a photo of an "older" gentleman. I thought he might have a fantasy of being a Cary Grant type, so I placed a "younger" version of him in a publicity photo for the movie Charade (from Google images). That's actually an image of Cary Grant's hair, cut and pasted digitally onto our gentleman. Audrey seems to be doing a good job pretending his mustache isn't tickling her cheek.
Friday Foto Collage: For the Birds

We were challenged to use the originals of some bird images (provided by Peggy Gatto) in our artwork. I made three of them into "Zetti" style birds, heralding the (hopefully not too far away) arrival of spring. Image credits upon request.
Brilliant ACF, you are the best!!!!
Also, thanks for the fun bird design, love those L'eggsssssssss!!!
thanks for playing!!!
I LOVE the zettiness and your Art Creations piece is brilliant!
Good heavens! Did Cary Grant's hair REALLY look like that?!?! This is hilarious. I love the way this fellow combs his moustache upward....and I love the quirky creativity of this piece!
Absolutely awesome!
fabulous acf piece, love his new hairstyle!!!
Fantastic work. I love his Cary Grant hair!
And your Zetti piece is wonderful. Hugs xx
Fantastic work!!!
what a fun piece you made of him, he'd have loved to make an appearence with Audrey I bet.
with that hairpiece on he reminds me of Ronnie Corbett
These pieces show such variety and originality of style! I'm hoping to see some Zetti birds in my garden:-) soon.
Great pieces! Wow!
Oh I love your birds of spring. They are so happy and colourful.
Have a happy valentine
Greetings from
I Love this! It's brilliant!
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