Friday, May 29, 2009


I am discovering that blogging is addictive--even if there are only one or two people who know about your blog and could possibly be reading it. This made me think about my other creative addictions*, including:
  • buying art and craft supplies (there's always, always something new to try; Michael's coupons are readily available; and online shopping is soooo tempting);
  • learning new art techniques through magazines, books, or the Internet;
  • taking "real" art classes (so far this year: pen and ink drawing, calligraphy, right brain drawing, and portrait drawing); and online mixed media classes;
  • working on art late in the evening (which makes me too keyed up to fall asleep);
  • looking at other people's art blogs on the Internet (try doing a Google search for "mixed media blogs" and you'll spend hours enjoying the results);
  • my art journaling class (Artful Journaling with artist Carol Zika, through Howard County Recreation and Parks). This class combines creative writing with creative art in a warm and supportive environment. I've been taking it for about 3 years and will continue to take it as long as it exists;
  • discussing art journaling projects (and life in general) with art friends while we are in class, Mall-walking, browsing the Tuesday Morning discount store, or eating lunch;
  • keeping my own (sometimes daily) art journals and written journals up to date;
  • talking "art" with my twin sister Ilene, a gifted fiber and collage artist; and
  • planning my next travel journal (this summer we'll be going to New York; the Outer Banks of NC; Austin, Texas; and Boston in the fall).
*I am making no effort to "cure" myself of these addictions. They are essential to my physical and mental well-being, and don't (usually) interfere with getting the necessities of life accomplished.

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